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Thursday 1 September 2011

Two steps forward, two steps back?

OK, so not quite the dedicated start I had envisaged for my blog and plight to chicdom. I obviously did more damage than I though last Wednesday at trampolining. As much fun as it is, I've decided my trampolining days are over. I just can't afford having to take so much time out of my schedule due to the pain. After the crunch when I did a dodgy forward bounce ( I can't even remember the name, but you bounce from standing to horizontally flat and back up) I popped a few painkillers and carried on. The next two days I battled through, counting down the minutes until the next dose, tears close due to the pain. As a result, my fitness plan took a bit of a dive.

Saturday was my first scheduled surf lesson. I wasn't sure I could face it when I woke up, but drunk on my regained mobility I went for it. All excitement faded and I nearly ran back home when as I arrived at the beach the life guards were in the middle of a rescue and a helicopter was airlifting someone out of the water. Encouraged by Beau, I was kitted out with my wetsuit. Five minutes of grunting and gasping behind the surfing instructor's van and I was finally in my wet suit. Definitely a team effort! I felt a bit self conscious as two slips of women easily pulled theirs on, laughing at how baggy they were. I had the last laugh there. Two hours later, they were blue, I was toasty.

Surfing was amazing... I just loved being that close to nature and the freak ocean swell instead of the promised wavelets gave me the extra thrill. As I battled out and got thrashed back to shore, I could make up my mind if I was good scared or scared scared. Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze some more lessons in this year, before the weather changes and when my back is back to full mobility. I had no idea I was 'working' out when in the sea, but the next day my arms really knew I'd been surfing.

So, I finished my book club book. Thankfully in two evenings. Quick and painful like ripping a plaster off. I hate to give books a bad review. I feel it's a bit rich when I've never even written a book, never mind got someone to agree to publish it. Anyway, it wasn't my sort of thing. I am looking forward to hearing what the others think at the book club. I love the book club! It's so much more than discussing books. It's great for people watching, politics, power struggles and in an amazingly, hilariously funny/bad hotel. The reviews on Trip Advisor make for a novel of their own.

I thought this was a bit of a slow week in my plight for self improvement. But I will list my achievements/positive steps...

Surfing - experienced, not yet conquered!

2 x healthy meals cooked from my Body Fit and Health & Fitness magazine.

Progress with my online TEFL learning.

Watched, not yet fully participated in the dance work out DVD I purchased - Can't wait!

1 x session of swimming and water walking.

A full fridge of healthy fruits and veggies.

This one was a good try but a bit of a booboo!

This afternoon the sun was out and it was warm, with my back still complaining a jog was out. So I decided on a blackberry picking adventure. I found an amazing spot last Monday but didn't have anything to collect them in. There were loads of ripe looking berries, but all quite reluctant to leave the bush, so I left them - maybe a few more days. Then I noticed the most beautiful purple flowers smothering the bushes. I took a little photo, then I wondered are they DEADLY NIGHTSHADE? The plant that would, as a child, send me running to my grandma in horror. I looked again. Surely not. How do I feel about eating berries that have been almost smothered by this plant. I thought surely not. As a child I only remember it growing in small isolated patches - not claiming a whole hedgerow. I've googled it and sadly it was the DEADLY NIGHTSHADE. Also, I met an old lady walking her dog and she looked pitifully at my  punnet then started adding her own. Except hers are covered with a white mould or lots of bird poo. What could I say? So now with my OCD tendencies I am left with around 40 small, possibly contaminated by DEADLY NIGHTSHADE, and mould/ bird poo. Can I bring myself to sort, wash and eat? Or are they to be given to the birds? I wanted something to show for my nettle stings.

A coffee morning tomorrow and birthday drinks in the evening. Two opportunities to make progress on the journey to classy and chic.

Over and out...