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Wednesday 24 August 2011

Domestic Goddess - almost!

Again a busy few days...

Monday: Yoga. Hooray!!! I'm almost there with Crow! I can't do it for very long but I'm getting better... My wrists knew about it on Tuesday am though!


Inspired by BodyRock tv and lovely Zuzana and Freddie. Today I tried the burpees and the bridge then back to some hula hooping - such fun and I can actually do it so I feel like I've achieved.

A lovely exhilarating walk along the coast. I didn't get quite as far as I planned due to a storm that came from nowhere. I worked those muscles walking across the sand though. It might sound a little corny but I think I will always remember that walk - it will go in the same memory basket as seeing the seals up close and crossing the causeway to Holy Island for the first time. As the rain pelted, shafts of light shone through the clouds on the ships at see - priceless. 

Wednesday: Time for trampolining. I wasn't as carefree this week. I got a little carried away with hula hooping and actually have some nasty bruises on my hip bones :o( Still I had an amazing time and it made me whoop like a child. I try very hard not to, as the instructor takes it very SERIOUSLY!

Then I decided to cool off at the gym with a few lengths and a jacuzzi. I also did 30 lengths walking as apparently this helps build the muscles you use for running and helps balance you. Well I'll give it ago.  However, I'm not that encouraged - I've noticed that the others doing this are considerably older, larger and rather infirm. Maybe it's not the best thing for me?

Job 2:
Super market sweep. I know I'm going to be busy the next few days so I decided to do the food shop now, while buoyed up on exercise. I got loads of vegetables- the fruit wasn't up to much. Mostly marked down as it's going too soft or so hard you could use it as a bullet. That can be a job for another day.

I also had a mad craving for chicken nuggets. I'm not sure why. My mother NEVER gave these to me as a child. 'Chicken don't have nuggets...' But I had this strange craving. I never usually go down that aisle even. But they looked so good. But then I hear my mother's voice... I imagine the meat factories... I decide it will have to be vegetarian soya/wheat protein nuggets. I also know that if I had bought chicken nuggets I wouldn't have actually enjoyed them...

And so I arrive home and cook my golden nuggets and they were lush! Then set to work to prepare some healthy ready meals so that I don't get an attack of the munchies and fall from grace.

I feel my cookery session this afternoon was a work out in itself. It was unbearably hot in out kitchen even with the fan on.

With my quorn mince I have made...

2 x shepherd's pie for the freezer

1 x bolognaise with peas and new pots (meant for tonight but there's enough for a freezer portion too)

1 x potato bake. I peel and slice the potato and line the pot and layer with loads of onions, peppers, tomatoes and make a white sauce. In my version I use corn flour mixed with water, whisk over the heat and add grated nutmeg and parsley. I think it is healthier this way and less fatty.

I intend to pad out the above with lots of green veg and sweetcorn- my fav. And have some grilled fish in between what now looks like a lot of stodge!

I have made a large batch of vegetable and lentil soup for lunches.

I have cut 3 pineapples and put them into portions for the freezer. Pineapples are usually expensive here. But I got 3 medium one for 49p today!!! Madness.

To quench my sweet tooth I made Nigella's pistachio fudge. Got to say it looks lovely but is very very sickly. One piece goes a long way.

This lot should keep us going for a while so I'm hoping minimal trips to the supermarket over the next 10 days ish. Will shop locally for milk and veg. Supermarkets make me feel a bit sick after a few minutes. There is just something a bit morally icky seeing all these people with 3 for 2 offers of crisps and chips and pop and other 'delights' I just find it overwhelming to have 40 packets of crisps in a trolley? I wonder if anyone else finds these places overwhelming. I think I was better at food decision making when I lived by myself. Somehow the business of choosing what others eat and spending other's money makes it all the more serious. Then I get unfocused by all my label reading and the music and special announcements and discounts... Well Beau always thinks I've done a good job so the only pressure is from myself.

I was feeling absolutely exhausted and miserable as my back is rather painful from a bad front drop on the trampoline. Then I logged on... I have a comment!! And such a lovely, helpful one. Thank you Hiro Pro! You have been very encouraging, especially your tricks for motivation. I am going to take regular photos, but I'm not brave enough to put them on my blog yet. I think you are right about success feeding motivation - this worked for me when studying. I'm trying to make myself think positively about my achievements and focus on what I have rather than what I haven't done. And to record it on my blog to pressure me into doing something towards my goal on the days I feel like slobbing.

 Anyway, my book club book is calling me -  The Guardian Angel's Journal.

Thank you, good wishes.

Over and out.

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